Google Apps Script Slide Creator

This script logs a greeting, creates a new Google Slide with a timestamped title, and appends sample text to it while logging the document URL

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function myTestSlideScript() {
  // Log a simple greeting message
  Logger.log("Hello, Google Apps Script!");

  // Get and log the active user's email address
  var userEmail = Session.getActiveUser().getEmail();
  Logger.log("Active user: " + userEmail);

  // Create a new Google Slides presentation with a unique name based on the current date and time
  var presentation = SlidesApp.create("Test Presentation " + new Date());

  // Get the first (default) slide of the presentation
  var slide = presentation.getSlides()[0];

  // Try to set the title and subtitle placeholders on the default title slide, if they exist
  var titlePlaceholder = slide.getPlaceholder(SlidesApp.PlaceholderType.CENTERED_TITLE);
  if (titlePlaceholder) {
    titlePlaceholder.asShape().getText().setText("Test Presentation");
  var subtitlePlaceholder = slide.getPlaceholder(SlidesApp.PlaceholderType.SUBTITLE);
  if (subtitlePlaceholder) {
    subtitlePlaceholder.asShape().getText().setText("Created by: " + userEmail);

  // Optionally, append another slide with additional details
  var additionalSlide = presentation.appendSlide(SlidesApp.PredefinedLayout.TITLE_AND_BODY);
  // Set the title of the additional slide
  var titleShape = additionalSlide.getShapes()[0];
  titleShape.getText().setText("Additional Slide");

  // Set the body text of the additional slide
  var bodyShape = additionalSlide.getShapes()[1];
  bodyShape.getText().setText("This slide was added by the script.\nActive user email: " + userEmail);

  // Log the URL of the created presentation so you can easily open it
  Logger.log("Presentation created: " + presentation.getUrl());