This AppleScript lets you adjust your Mac’s system volume either by selecting from a list of predefined levels (Mute, 0, 25, 50, 75, or 100) or by entering a custom value between 0 and 100, with a notification confirming the change.
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-- Volume Controller Script
-- First, choose the control method.
display dialog "Choose Volume Control Method:" buttons {"Predefined Levels", "Custom Level"} default button "Predefined Levels"
set methodChoice to button returned of result
if methodChoice is "Predefined Levels" then
-- Use a list to display multiple predefined options.
set volumeOptions to {"Mute", "0", "25", "50", "75", "100"}
set volChoiceList to choose from list volumeOptions with prompt "Select Volume Setting:" default items {"50"}
if volChoiceList is false then
display notification "No selection made." with title "Volume Controller"
end if
set volChoice to item 1 of volChoiceList
if volChoice is "Mute" then
set volume with output muted
display notification "Volume muted" with title "Volume Controller"
set volValue to volChoice as integer
set volume output volume volValue
display notification "Volume set to " & volValue & "%" with title "Volume Controller"
end if
else if methodChoice is "Custom Level" then
display dialog "Enter desired volume level (0-100):" default answer "50"
set volInput to text returned of result
set volLevel to volInput as integer
if volLevel < 0 then
set volLevel to 0
else if volLevel > 100 then
set volLevel to 100
end if
set volume output volume volLevel
display notification "Volume set to " & volLevel & "%" with title "Volume Controller"
end if