Category: JavaScript

  • Rock, Paper, Scissors JavaScript Game

    This Node.js script lets you challenge the computer in a classic match of Rock, Paper, Scissors. Simply enter your move, and the computer will randomly choose its move, with the game determining the winner based on standard rules.

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     * Rock, Paper, Scissors Game
     * Instructions:
     *   1. Enter your move: "rock", "paper", or "scissors".
     *   2. The computer will randomly choose its move.
     *   3. The game will then announce the winner:
     *      - Rock crushes scissors.
     *      - Scissors cuts paper.
     *      - Paper covers rock.
     * Enjoy the game!
    const readline = require('readline');
    const rl = readline.createInterface({
      input: process.stdin,
      output: process.stdout
    const choices = ["rock", "paper", "scissors"];
    // Function to randomly select the computer's choice
    function getComputerChoice() {
      const randomIndex = Math.floor(Math.random() * choices.length);
      return choices[randomIndex];
    // Function to determine the result of the game
    function getResult(userChoice, computerChoice) {
      if (userChoice === computerChoice) {
        return "It's a tie!";
      if (userChoice === "rock") {
        return computerChoice === "scissors" ? "You win! Rock crushes scissors." : "You lose! Paper covers rock.";
      if (userChoice === "paper") {
        return computerChoice === "rock" ? "You win! Paper covers rock." : "You lose! Scissors cuts paper.";
      if (userChoice === "scissors") {
        return computerChoice === "paper" ? "You win! Scissors cuts paper." : "You lose! Rock crushes scissors.";
    // Main game loop
    function playGame() {
      rl.question("Enter your move (rock, paper, or scissors): ", (answer) => {
        let userChoice = answer.trim().toLowerCase();
        if (!choices.includes(userChoice)) {
          console.log("Invalid move. Please choose rock, paper, or scissors.");
          return playGame();
        const computerChoice = getComputerChoice();
        console.log(`Computer chose: ${computerChoice}`);
        const result = getResult(userChoice, computerChoice);
        rl.question("Play again? (yes/no): ", (response) => {
          if (response.trim().toLowerCase().startsWith("y")) {
          } else {
            console.log("Thanks for playing!");
    console.log("=== Rock, Paper, Scissors Game ===");
  • Reverse Word Puzzle JavaScript Game

    This script randomly selects a word from a list, reverses it, and challenges the player to guess the original word. It demonstrates basic Node.js functionality, including using the readline module for handling terminal input.

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    // reverseWordPuzzle.js
    // List of words for the puzzle
    const words = ['apple', 'banana', 'orange', 'strawberry', 'grape', 'pineapple', 'kiwi'];
    // Function to reverse a given word
    function reverseWord(word) {
      return word.split('').reverse().join('');
    // Function to pick a random word from the array
    function getRandomWord() {
      return words[Math.floor(Math.random() * words.length)];
    // Main function to run the game
    function playGame() {
      const originalWord = getRandomWord();
      const reversedWord = reverseWord(originalWord);
      console.log("=== Reverse Word Puzzle ===");
      console.log(`Unscramble this reversed word: ${reversedWord}`);
      // Create an interface for user input
      const readline = require('readline');
      const rl = readline.createInterface({
        input: process.stdin,
        output: process.stdout
      // Ask the user for their guess
      rl.question("Your guess: ", (answer) => {
        if(answer.trim().toLowerCase() === originalWord.toLowerCase()){
          console.log("Correct! Well done.");
        } else {
          console.log(`Incorrect. The correct word was: ${originalWord}`);
    // Start the game
  • Google Apps Script Slide Creator

    This script logs a greeting, creates a new Google Slide with a timestamped title, and appends sample text to it while logging the document URL

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    function myTestSlideScript() {
      // Log a simple greeting message
      Logger.log("Hello, Google Apps Script!");
      // Get and log the active user's email address
      var userEmail = Session.getActiveUser().getEmail();
      Logger.log("Active user: " + userEmail);
      // Create a new Google Slides presentation with a unique name based on the current date and time
      var presentation = SlidesApp.create("Test Presentation " + new Date());
      // Get the first (default) slide of the presentation
      var slide = presentation.getSlides()[0];
      // Try to set the title and subtitle placeholders on the default title slide, if they exist
      var titlePlaceholder = slide.getPlaceholder(SlidesApp.PlaceholderType.CENTERED_TITLE);
      if (titlePlaceholder) {
        titlePlaceholder.asShape().getText().setText("Test Presentation");
      var subtitlePlaceholder = slide.getPlaceholder(SlidesApp.PlaceholderType.SUBTITLE);
      if (subtitlePlaceholder) {
        subtitlePlaceholder.asShape().getText().setText("Created by: " + userEmail);
      // Optionally, append another slide with additional details
      var additionalSlide = presentation.appendSlide(SlidesApp.PredefinedLayout.TITLE_AND_BODY);
      // Set the title of the additional slide
      var titleShape = additionalSlide.getShapes()[0];
      titleShape.getText().setText("Additional Slide");
      // Set the body text of the additional slide
      var bodyShape = additionalSlide.getShapes()[1];
      bodyShape.getText().setText("This slide was added by the script.\nActive user email: " + userEmail);
      // Log the URL of the created presentation so you can easily open it
      Logger.log("Presentation created: " + presentation.getUrl());

  • Google Apps Script Sheet Creator

    This script logs a greeting, creates a new Google Sheet with a timestamped title, and appends sample text to it while logging the document URL

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    function myTestScript() {
      // Log a simple greeting message
      Logger.log("Hello, Google Apps Script!");
      // Get and log the active user's email address
      var userEmail = Session.getActiveUser().getEmail();
      Logger.log("Active user: " + userEmail);
      // Create a new Google Sheet with a unique name based on the current date and time
      var spreadsheet = SpreadsheetApp.create("Test Spreadsheet " + new Date());
      var sheet = spreadsheet.getActiveSheet();
      // Append some rows to the sheet
      sheet.appendRow(["This spreadsheet was created by a test script in Google Apps Script."]);
      sheet.appendRow(["Active user email:", userEmail]);
      // Log the URL of the created spreadsheet so you can easily open it
      Logger.log("Spreadsheet created: " + spreadsheet.getUrl());
  • Google Apps Script Document Creator

    This script logs a greeting, creates a new Google Document with a timestamped title, and appends sample text to it while logging the document URL

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    function myTestScript() {
      // Log a simple greeting message
      Logger.log("Hello, Google Apps Script!");
      // Get and log the active user's email address
      var userEmail = Session.getActiveUser().getEmail();
      Logger.log("Active user: " + userEmail);
      // Create a new Google Document with a unique name based on the current date and time
      var doc = DocumentApp.create("Test Document " + new Date());
      var body = doc.getBody();
      // Append some paragraphs to the document
      body.appendParagraph("This document was created by a test script in Google Apps Script.");
      body.appendParagraph("Active user email: " + userEmail);
      // Log the URL of the created document so you can easily open it
      Logger.log("Document created: " + doc.getUrl());