This script provides an organized summary of your Mac’s system information and performance metrics—including OS details, CPU specifications, memory size, disk usage, uptime, and battery status.
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# - Display Mac system specs and performance info
# Clear the terminal for a fresh display
echo "======================================"
echo " Mac System Specs and Performance "
echo "======================================"
# Operating System Information
os_name=$(sw_vers -productName)
os_version=$(sw_vers -productVersion)
build_version=$(sw_vers -buildVersion)
echo "Operating System: $os_name $os_version (Build $build_version)"
# Computer Name (if set)
computer_name=$(scutil --get ComputerName 2>/dev/null)
if [ -n "$computer_name" ]; then
echo "Computer Name: $computer_name"
echo "--------------------------------------"
# CPU Information
cpu_brand=$(sysctl -n machdep.cpu.brand_string)
physical_cpu=$(sysctl -n hw.physicalcpu)
logical_cpu=$(sysctl -n hw.logicalcpu)
echo "CPU: $cpu_brand"
echo "Physical Cores: $physical_cpu"
echo "Logical Cores: $logical_cpu"
echo "--------------------------------------"
# Memory (RAM) Information
mem_bytes=$(sysctl -n hw.memsize)
# Convert bytes to gigabytes (1GB = 1073741824 bytes)
mem_gb=$(echo "scale=2; $mem_bytes/1073741824" | bc)
echo "Memory (RAM): $mem_gb GB"
echo "--------------------------------------"
# Disk Usage for the Root Partition
echo "Disk Usage (Root Partition):"
# Display header and the line for '/' partition
df -h / | awk 'NR==1 || $NF=="/"'
echo "--------------------------------------"
# Uptime and Load Average
echo "Uptime and Load Average:"
echo "--------------------------------------"
# Battery Information (if available)
if command -v pmset &> /dev/null; then
battery_info=$(pmset -g batt | head -1)
echo "Battery Info: $battery_info"
echo "======================================"