Simple Scheduled Website Opener AppleScript

This AppleScript prompts you to enter a delay in seconds and a website URL, then opens the specified website in your default browser after the delay. A confirmation dialog informs you that the site will launch after you close it, making it a straightforward scheduling tool for web access.

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-- Simple Scheduled Website Opener
-- Prompts the user for a delay (in seconds) and a website URL, then opens the URL after the delay.

-- Ask the user for the delay in seconds
set delayResponse to display dialog "Enter the number of seconds to wait before opening the website:" default answer "10"
set delaySeconds to (text returned of delayResponse) as number

-- Ask the user for the website URL
set urlResponse to display dialog "Enter the website URL to open:" default answer "https://"
set websiteURL to text returned of urlResponse

-- Confirmation dialog informing the website will open after the dialog is closed
display dialog "The website " & websiteURL & " will open in " & delaySeconds & " seconds after you close this dialog." buttons {"Cancel", "OK"} default button "OK"
if button returned of result is "Cancel" then return

-- Wait for the specified delay
delay delaySeconds

-- Open the website in the default browser
do shell script "open " & quoted form of websiteURL